Convinced that communication, information and training are key elements to promote the use of generic medicines, AESEG has incorporated its strategy an Advisory Council in which patients, consumers, doctors, pharmacists, managers and health economists are represented, to promote and disseminate the knowledge of these drugs and the industry that develops, produces and markets them. Its main function will be to propose, debate and execute measures, actions and joint activities that contribute to generate and disseminate knowledge about the EFG in Spain from the consensus.
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Blog aimed at anyone who wants to express opinions through comments, suggestions and articles of collaborations.
We offer everyone, this place to spread more rigorous knowledge of the generic medicines in the Spanish society.
We create enhanced access to medicines, reducing inequalities, directly leading to improved patient outcomes. We compete, stimulating the medicines industry to innovate. We innovate, enriching patient benefit.
We provide a stable and resilient supply of high-quality medicines, manufactured and developed according to stringent EU regulatory requirements, for Europe’s patients and healthcare providers.
Our high-quality cost-effective medicines account for well over 54% of all prescription medicines used to treat European patients. We are the heart of public health delivery in Europe. We generate cost savings of more than €35bn each year ensuring the viability of Europe’s healthcare systems and enable them to invest in new medicines and other treatments that Europe’s patients increasingly need.
Use of our medicines supports the economic sustainability of Europe’s healthcare systems. We contribute to Europe’s economies, researching, developing and manufacturing in most European countries the majority of medicines used in the EU, sustaining more than 150.000 high skilled, high value direct jobs. As a leading knowledge based industry we will continue to work with Europe’s policy makers, legislators and regulators to create the right environment to support and strengthen the economic sustainability of our industry so that we can continue to contribute to European patients and society.
We build constructive partnerships, focused on a strong and stable collaboration with patients and patient organisations, the EU institutions, governments and regulators, healthcare professionals and others to further enhance public health in Europe.